7 Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries

Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries

May and June is a time of juicy, ripe strawberries. Apart from being delicious. There are 7 core benefits of strawberries which can surprisingly improve your overall health.

Strawberries improve memory

According to recent studies, among many benefits of strawberries the first one is that it slow down the aging process of the brain, and thus prolongs its functional life, allowing us to stay in good health and strong memory for as long as possible. Another study proves that daily consumption of strawberries improves short-term memory.

Strawberries improve eyesight

Ripe red strawberries are good not only for memory, but also for your eyesight. Numerous studies confirm that daily consumption of strawberries prevents macular degeneration of the retina, cataracts, dry eyes syndrome, progressive blindness, as well as other  eye problems.

The unique biochemical composition of berries prevents many diseases leading to visual impairment and also contributes to the progressive treatment of existing diseases.

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants

Let’s start by recalling what these antioxidants are. Antioxidants are substances that prevent the damaging effects of active oxygen on body cells. Antioxidants protect the body against premature aging and serious diseases.

Scientists note that strawberries contain a large number of phenolic compounds – bioflavonoids, which have strong antioxidant properties. Daily consumption of strawberries increases the body’s ability to resist free radicals.

Strawberries are a source of ellagic acid

Ellagic acid is a regulator of the cellular cycle, and it is most commonly found in extracts of fruits, nuts, and berries. The substance prevents the mutation of cancer cells. Among all the products containing ellagic acid, strawberries are the third most common. In addition to being able to inhibit tumor processes, the substance also helps fight free radicals, has anti-inflammatory effects, has a positive effect on hematopoietic processes, and strengthens the immune system .

Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C

People think that the main sources of vitamin C or ascorbic acid are lemons, oranges and garlic. Strawberries are a much more reliable source of this substance: a handful of these berries contain more vitamin C than an orange. Surprisingly, frozen strawberries contain the same amount of vitamin C will be as fresh ones. But it doesn’t apply to jams – the high temperature destroys the vitamin C.

Strawberries as cancer prevention

Today, hundreds of studies are conducted each year to study cancer and its prevention methods. Some of them show that regular consumption of certain products helps reduce the chances of cancer.

There are strawberries on this list. Due to high concentrations of vitamin C, ellagic acid, anthocyanine, campherol and other nutrients, this berry can prevent the development of some forms of cancer. Among recent studies confirming this property of strawberries is the work of the Ohio University Cancer Research Center.

Strawberries can help to keep fit

First of all, strawberries are low-calorie. For 100 grams of strawberries, there are only 33 kilocalories, which, by the way, are burned for a few minutes of active running. Secondly, it has a low glycemic index, which means it prevents the accumulation of fats. Third, it contains substances that contribute to the burning of fats. According to some reports, the efficiency of the diet increases by 24% for those who included daily consumption of strawberries.

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