10 meditation techniques that will make you think big

Meditation is an individual practice. You sit quietly, trying to clear your mind, adjust your breathing and organize your thoughts.

According to studies, meditation can reduce the impact of negative psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression by 40%.

Once you learn to focus on a specific goal and become friends with your inner world, you will be able to better adapt to change, cope with the tasks and increase productivity.

This is directly related to the fact that meditation can reveal both creative and potential intellectual abilities of a person.

Ten Ways to Start Meditating


Start meditation by taking a few deep breaths. Try to fully concentrate on your breathing and feel how each breath affects the whole body. In a while, your breath will be your guide during your meditation. Buddhist monk Tikh Nhat Khan notes: “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor”.

Scan your body…

Take a minute and focus on every part of your body. Think of the feelings you have in each of it, in your hands, legs back, and head. You don’t have to sit in a lotus position to meditate. Lie, sit, stand, ­– it’s up to you. Pay attention to those body parts that are tense. Focus on relieving tension, and relaxing muscles.

Don’t forget about energy…

Try to understand how you feel today and now. Are you awfully tired or full of energy? If you’re feeling exhausted, try to find out why. What external factors in cause your insomnia? Who or what fully occupies your mental space? After that, it is important to find a way to reduce the impact of the problem on your well-being or to completely eliminate it.


“Seeing beauty in simple things is the first step to purifying the mind,” wrote Amit Ray. Start meditating positively. Make sure you think about three things that you are grateful for. By focusing on them, you will not only understand the value of your life, but you will also become happier.

The mantra is like a success spell…

Mantra meditation is a way to control thoughts and feelings around a central idea. By selecting a mantra and repeating it each time you meditate, you can set intentions based on specific goals and what you want to achieve in your life.

Evaluate the events of your day…

If you meditate in the morning, analyze the previous day. If you do it at night, think about everything that happened before that moment.

Try to find something that you can focus on, that you can evaluate – and make conclusions.

Assess the events of your week…

At the beginning of each week, analyze the events of the previous week. What problems did you face and how did you solve them? If you are worried about something, try to find a solution. Try to enter a new week with a clean slate and fresh thoughts.

What can you do for others?

Think about which aspects of life you can improve. The main thing is that your actions should not only benefit you. One small act of kindness per day can make a huge difference. Do good not only for your loved ones, but also for strangers.

Focus on personal fulfillment…

Think about your main goals. What can you do today to get at least one step closer to achieving them? ” Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens,” says Tony DeLiso.

However, do not get too obsessed with your goals. Do not be afraid to evaluate your actions and life in general. Try to understand what you are doing here and now, whether you have fulfilled your ambitions enough, whether you feel like a full-fledged person. If not, look for ways to make things right so you can enjoy yourself.

And finally, think about things that inspire you…

Be open to new ideas when you meditate. Your big and priceless thought may suddenly cross your mind. Focus on what inspires you: articles or books you have read, people you admire, or something completely random. Whatever it is, try to understand why it stimulates you and how it can affect your creative capacity.

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